Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Welcome to the exhibition

Here you see allt the other artists, you are all welcome specially on the 16th of October.

Välkomna till vernissagen på Galleri Olson i Malmö den 16 oktober jag visar idel nya verk, hoppas ni kommer och besöker mig då.....kram

Tuesday, 28 September 2010


This is Grantas litte bull, born  94 and the drawing is from the same year....yes nice memories when we had a lot of animals, old swedish breeds.

The latest

 Worker wearing skirt, yes its a guy!!
Last nights work....

Igår hann jag med att röja undan en massa saker så jag har inte allt för mycket på mitt bord förutom denna bild ovan, man blir så tudelad på vad man skapar. Killen med kjolen är från bygget över gatan från mig, dom bygger ett nytt lek/förskola här i Dalby.

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Gallery night in Malmö

 Thats the evening when you can walk around Malmö and look into every ART gallery in town, I managed to go to Galleri Olson, Malmö Art galleri, Galleri 21, Galleri Estetica and FINA and then I was busched. The cup of tea was a starter and I managed a quick Tai dinner....Oh boy what a night...
This is me with a very nice scarf that a relation nitted to me, its so very soft and cosy....nice indeed!! Thanks Elsa!!

Trevlig helg med Surströmming, Gallerinatta och sedan ute och åt igen med simmaren innan hon for till Göteborg, att vara upp sent om natten verkar ta ut sin rätt nu för tiden....hoppas nu att jag kan komma igång på måndag efter alla skador och div saker man har fått tagit bort hit och dit, rättat till och att allt kommar att löpa som det ska.
TRÄNING BÖRJAR MED PROMENADER i ett antal veckor och timmar för att få igång damen...ska bli skönt.

Saturday, 25 September 2010


 Either she is surpriced or a singer?

A very typical Swedish tradition, eating that sour and smelly fish that looks as if tis gone bad...but its very very good to eat..a wonderful evening with nice friends, we took the bike and it was a very quite night warm and humid evening.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

For the exhibition...

"Petrifierad procession"
‎16/10 är det vernissage med en samlingsutställning på GALLERI OLSON. En av utställarna är Inger H Finnman "Petrifierad procession" är ett av hennes verk som kommer att vara med å utställningen..

Monday, 20 September 2010


Does anyone care?

Sunday, 19 September 2010

No energi

 Family took me out for dinner early evening, damm this cough I dont sleep well at night..
 Managed a few minutes to look att Olof Kronwalls exhibition, home and rest....
My sweet little friend is still eating and sleeping, and seems to be on the right its freedom awaiting...

Cyklade ned till vallokalen, inget bra VAL för mig...dvs blåste och jag upplevede det som väldigt kallt, hostan tilltog igen allt för demokratins skull.....ja vi får väl se i kväll vad svenska folket har valt...?? om det överenstämmer med mitt!!

Saturday, 18 September 2010

We are alive...

 Ladybugs struggel between the glass, its rather hot here...
 Yes I am getting better, the bad cold is also going in the right direction but the cough is not fun and my ribs are really getting their bit of exercise..
 Found this little hedgehog outside our house....he was very week and I put him in a towel and a warm waterbottle and left him too sleep and there he was on his feet he eats and sleep, hope to get him in balance soon enought, but I dont think he can manage the winter by himself...too little!! 

Ja livet är tufft men benet såg bra ut ska byta bandage igen på måndag sedan ska det väl räcka med ett vanlig plåster, för duschning är ett företag men gummiskyddet känns bra, speciellt på natten. Hoppas snart att allt är så där lagom normal igen.. Har inte målat eller tecknat på väldigt länge......utställningar på G, så det måste jobbas!!

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Days just dissapear...

 Lomma event, they are really great.....always something great going on..
 Here i collect my fruit and vegies every thursday.....and its free!!
 Lunch with Jonas but Mike didnt turn up, wonder if he does so this week?

 Daughter nr 2 turned 21 year old....and came home for dinner and cake..nice
Oh yeah..not nice to show you this but I just had to, the same day I hurt myself on a thursday and today its nearly a week later its tuesday, it still hurts and now I also have a cold coming up, this isnt fun.
I also made the picture a bit smaller, it dont hurt as much then....hi hi

Thomas Wallners Gallery

A new art gallery in Simris, the owner is Thomas Wallner the artist is Anders Krisár. I hope to come to the gallery and se this fantastic exhibition once more, I guess I was very stressed when I came cause my dear old
shoulder ached and my dahling was very hungry.....but please do see the exhibition.....

The Wanås Park...

 The very big tree, it really looks life size and a live....

 Rather religious house, impressed of the feeling..
 My is listening to Marianne de Geers sounds.. ...a child is calling for mamma from different angels, also the sound of bird wings or someting very scary, My didnt want to stay , she walked away with her tail between her legs...that said a lot...
 Womderful with the yellow in the green forrest...

Something nice to eat also...

Friday, 10 September 2010


Somemore Antwerpen hens, they are small and very sweet and talk a lot when I come with their food.

Mina höns är underbara, har köpt till några igen och där inkluderades naturligtvis en tupp, han är gul/vit men ung och oförstående ännu, alla hönor mobbar den stackarn, men han är snabb, hoppas nu att han blir en snäll och go én. Haaaaaaaaaaaar stått på huvudet eller på smalbenet igår så nu är man skadad, gamla kärringar ska vara försiktiga.....inte så kul faktiskt med axel ont, migrän åsså detta!!!

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Really behind...

 Malmö was quite good, didnt eat anything there this year
 Meet with two friends at a café, and there were nice tea and coffie cups made by one of them...nice meet!!
My shadow, seems as if I have some problems thats due to get hold!!

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

My sweeties..

 New little girl born this summer....
 This is Karlsson born last year together with three other.
And this is Kalle and he is so sweet...although he looks a bit funny here...

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Friday, 3 September 2010

Garden Art and Design by me...

Quite a lot of interesting objects and a Orangery...I dont want to brag but I think its very nice, ofcourse it in keen cooperation with the owners.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010


Late night training at Scania Badet in Malmö, great girls !!