Thumbs up for following:
Ullastinas exhibition at lomma Bibliotek and LOMMA KONSTFÖRENING, she is really good and congratulations to you know you see Berit Tungsten and Ullastina toghether, Berit she is the President of Lomma KF and keeper of the exhibition...
Then I drove down to Malmö and SKÅNES KONSFÖRENINGS EXHIBITION in Malmö.
Really good exhibition and loads of people, bit sorry that I didnt manage to get my things there on time...
This is fantastic---embroidered on a green leaf, they were tiny but bute...
This a simpel drawing on what you may find easy at hands...great
More drawing, I like it
Yeah even sculptures and small films...
Something for everyone I´d say.....very inpressed and happy fot my exhibition saturday..nice
Nearly home, this is Dalbys very old church and someone said you cant take photos when you drive but I did didnt I.....Inger is naughty at times.
Thumbs down....and that for me...having an evil back, started saturday morning then a very late dinner half of a tooth dissapeard, and today sunday I woke up with a migraine, on top of the other two or three things that hasn´t got any better as yet....I am a very very old lady just now!!
Vilken otroligt trevlig lördag med Ullastina Larsson utställning på Lomma Bibliotek, Ullastina är duktig och sedan hade hon fått ett trevligt besked...lycka till i framtiden Ullastina.
Åkte vidare till Skånes Konstföreings utställning i Malmö, verkligen sevärd och mycket spännande utställning, många som tecknar.
Hem med åt en udda middag på en lördag kväll med bruna bönor och fläsk, kanske blir en gång per år, men fasiken nu har jag ischias, tappat en halv tand och vaknade med migrän i ska tydligen inte ha det allt för bra.