Friday, 15 January 2010

Icy cold..........day19,

An old painting, wish I had some of these next week!!
A nice warm bed with My
It was freezing cold even the camera thought the same, look the shutter did not open..
Obviously they are having it nice and hot i Pretoria, Unas loves it and do not want to come home...its too cold in Sweden. Var tog denna dag vägen? Skissade lite på ett kul projekt, trevligt att ha möjligheten att få drömma sig in i en möjlighet-det gillar jag!


sharon said...

I love the painting with the green vase and red flowers! Your little Papillon is so cute!

Inger H Finnman said...

Thanks Sharon, you are truly sweet with your kind words...have a great day..Inger